Healing & Health Concerns for:
Nancy Pennington, Char Whitfield, Nancy McReynolds, Jean Swarthout, Melanie Richardson, Helen Jones, Phillip Neumann, Sally Barr, Judy O'Dell
Evergreen Terrace: Dorothy Burch
The Brook: Marcy Nelson
Homebound: Mary Sutherland and Leroy Larson
Dennis Greene family
NOTE: Please call the church office (231) 796-8273 in case of an emergency. The referral will be passed on to a leader of the church.
Resources from our North/West Lower Michigan Synod
1. Sunday sermons by our Synod staff will be available Sunday
afternoons on the Synod YouTube.
2. On the same Synod YouTube homepage you can view the
seminars on racial justice given by our Synod.
Office Update: Linda Obermeier has been hired as the Office Manager and will begin orienting with Mary Larkin on November 5th. Initially Linda will work Mary's hours, Tuesday-Thursday from 9a to 4p. After orientation is completed, she will be working Monday-Wednesday. Our new office assistant, Cindi Morris, will be working Tuesdays and Thursdays allowing us to resume the normal Monday-Thursday office schedule. Welcome them both as they assume their new roles.
Building/Grounds Update: Looking for bids to replace/repair the outdoor lights. The dishwasher was repaired, a new one was in the $7,000 range. We should be able to get another 4-5 years out of our current one. We will be actively searching for roofing estimates in 2025.
Shepherd's Hooks & Needles will meet on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at noon.
Monthly Matinees: with Barbara Pillsbury
Announcing an opportunity for fun and fellowship!
Over the years, may of us have enjoyed the expertise of Barbara Pillsbury regarding vintage/classic films, and she has graciously agreed to share her extensive collection with us. Working with Swank Motion Pictures, Barbara has secured copyright licensing for each film she will feature!
Where: Immanuel Lutheran Church, either in the Fellowship Hall, or when available, the Tuba Bach wall area in the sanctuary.
When: The Third Thursday of each month, beginning at 3:00 p.m. sharp. Featured film for December 19th will be "Tenth Avenue Angel", starring Margaret O'Brien and Angela Lansbury.
Cost: Free to those attending, there will be opportunities to sponsor specific films to defray the cost of licensing. Popcorn and
lemonade will be served!
Barbara has chosen films for the entire next year-----watch for a list posted in the Fellowship Hall, or brochures that will be
available soon.
Announcing an opportunity for fun and fellowship!
Over the years, may of us have enjoyed the expertise of Barbara Pillsbury regarding vintage/classic films, and she has graciously agreed to share her extensive collection with us. Working with Swank Motion Pictures, Barbara has secured copyright licensing for each film she will feature!
Where: Immanuel Lutheran Church, either in the Fellowship Hall, or when available, the Tuba Bach wall area in the sanctuary.
When: The Third Thursday of each month, beginning at 3:00 p.m. sharp. Featured film for December 19th will be "Tenth Avenue Angel", starring Margaret O'Brien and Angela Lansbury.
Cost: Free to those attending, there will be opportunities to sponsor specific films to defray the cost of licensing. Popcorn and
lemonade will be served!
Barbara has chosen films for the entire next year-----watch for a list posted in the Fellowship Hall, or brochures that will be
available soon.
"Windows on Christmas" led by: Phil Keating
When: Sundays, December 22 & 29
Plan to attend even if you did not order the book.
The Social Concerns Committee is supporting Brookside Elementary School with needed supplies throughout this year. To start we are donating art and school supplies that have been stored downstairs. There will be a collection box in the Narthex if you would like to donate to this project. Brookside School remains in need of small sized personal use items such as Kleenex, toothpaste, mouth wash, tooth brushes, surface wipes, sanitizer.. Brookside School has asked for boy's and girl's underwear sizes appropriate for grade school age kids as well as socks.
Salvation Army Giving Tree. Tags are available, gifts will be picked up on December 16th
Mitten Tree - Special emphasis on kids hats, mittens, scarves that will be donated to the 3 schools in our Kids
Bell Ringing - a change from previous years. We will be ringing in Reed City at the Ebel's store on Saturday,
December 14th. Choose an hour between ten and one. This will enable us to be indoors, since the Big Lots location
is no longer available. Outdoor opportunities in Big Rapids can be arranged through the Salvation Army. Sign up on
the Communication Counter.
Blood Pressure Checks will be as needed.
St. Mary - St. Paul Catholic Parish's Annual Christmas Bazaar
Everyone is invited to attend the St. Mary - St. Paul annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, December 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, December 8, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the St. Mary Parish Center, 919 Marion Avenue, in Big Rapids. This event includes a luncheon (on Saturday), raffle, handmade crafts, bake sale, books/CDs/Board Games, grandma's attic, jewelry booth, religious goods booth, basket raffle, and an array of fresh greens made into wreaths, swags, and holiday centerpieces. (Cash and checks only). Parish Council of Catholic Women sponsors this event. On Sunday morning, while shopping at the bazaar, everyone is welcome to attend the Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast. Please call (231) 796-5202 for more information.
Immanuel has been invited to participate with St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Reed City, in their Advent services on December 11th and 18th. They gather at 6pm for dinner and , with various teams hosting dinners and congregants providing a dish to pass or a dessert. After the meal and fellowship, there is a short service including a video, which usually concludes by 7:30pm. It is their way of reaching out to get to know our congregation better. Gunder and Carol plan to attend on December 18th if anyone is interested in going with them.
Immanuel has been invited to participate with St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Reed City, in their Advent services on December 11th and 18th. They gather at 6pm for dinner and , with various teams hosting dinners and congregants providing a dish to pass or a dessert. After the meal and fellowship, there is a short service including a video, which usually concludes by 7:30pm. It is their way of reaching out to get to know our congregation better. Gunder and Carol plan to attend on December 18th if anyone is interested in going with them.
Social Concerns committee is undertaking a joint program with Manna Pantry beginning with the month of April You will see that a calendar is attached showing an entire year with a different product listed for each month. The focus will last for entire month. there is a tote near the office for donations. Bonnie Clark asked that we be cautious not to donate outdated products. Let's all lend a helping hand to Manna Pantry.
December: canned tomatoes
January canned luncheon meat / tuna / chicken
Project Starburst - Hello members. Due to a curious set of circumstances, I was selected to join the board of Project Starburst. I know that Immanuel has had a long-term relationship with Manna Pantry, so I hope we can support both. both pantries provide a similar service with Starburst doing a bit more than just food including diapers and personal hygiene items. So just like there are certain items for Manna, here is a list of items for Starburst. I hope you will consider contributions for both.
December: Instant Mashed Potatoes
January soups (any kind)
December: Instant Mashed Potatoes
January soups (any kind)