Immanuel's Annual Chili Cook-Off
It's time to start thinking "hot" thoughts--chili thoughts, that is. This year's Chili Cook Off will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2025, with set up at 5 p.m. and chili served starting at 5:30 p.m.. Everyone is welcome to participate--whether you join the cooking contest or are a taster! Those attending will each receive one red ticket to use to vote for the Chili Cook Off "Grand Champion." First, second and third place winners will be voted on by the dollar amount their entry collects. A grand prize winner will be selected by the number of "red tickets" collected in their can. The Grand Prize winner receives a gift and their name on the Chili plaque. Last year we introduced a “traveling trophy”, won by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. We need to win it back this year, so put your best game faces on and enter to win it!
Games and fellowship will continue after the awarding of the prizes. Donations received will be split between Manna Pantry and World Hunger Relief. Watch for the sign-up sheet, salads, dessert and chili fixin’s will be needed, as well as set up and clean up crews. Please plan to join us, it is always a great time and a wonderful way to fellowship with family and friends. Everyone is welcome! |